Wonders of the Web

A cache of 1940 photographs
taken of my county,
aerial photos.


my range, township, section,
and see the farm from above.

Woods have slowly encroached
on the fields since then.
A pasture ran from the barn
down to the creek in the grove,

crops and trees
now divide
the former bovine demesne.


on a dot in the yard
to the shock
of a boy waving,
looking up
at the airplane
high above.

I look down,
wave back,
waver between
for a moment forget
my absence then
his absence now.


Photo Restoration

I can do digital photo restoration. Here’s a before and after example: a flash photo of an old charcoal drawing behind glass. The same restoration principles apply for a regular photographic image. Just post a comment if you want any photos fixed and we can go from there. Pricing is based on the extent of the damage.



