21 June One Shot Wednesday

Idea suggested by @ChrisGNguyen.


A silver emptiness
framed by faint wisps
of sepia hair,
my muse
has no face,
no longer leads me
with her eyes.

Leaning against
the Wedgewood teapot,
a cabinet card among curios,
she says nothing
about today,
keeps muttering
behind absent lips
about the dead
whose names and stories
I never learned—

Whole volumes,
endless words
spoken beneath
the range of hearing,
written white
upon white.

28 thoughts on “21 June One Shot Wednesday

  1. Not sure how to interpret the ending, given your flexible use of language. I was very intrigued by the idea of the lady’s erased face and leading vision, which makes the second half extremely visually interesting. Fine work, Matt. And not a wasted word.

  2. Eerie and faintly ominous muses are also usually inscrutable. That phrase “..she says nothing about today..” gels the poem perfectly, letting it glide like a white wisp to the whispered resolution of the ending. Fine writing, Matt–really good. You may be master of the short, cutting couplet, but you show here you are certainly not limited by it.

  3. The sepia image fades to platinum glowing silver in its echoes of treasures, preservation, things once deemed important that now have lost their glamour and ability to inspire. This was layered, ambiguous and affecting. I liked it a lot. It’s a good poem. Thanks again for the compliments on mine. 🙂

  4. What an Intriguing poem, your muse, the ghost element, the volumes spoken but unheard, i like that your muse, seems like an old wise woman, with the ‘sepia’ the ‘wedgewood teapot’, just the fact that she knows the dead, seems like a great-grandmother or something, really interesting idea, not the standard beautiful youthful ethereal muse, but a wise one who perhaps might mutter in riddles with her ‘curios’

  5. As a writer of words, it frightens me terribly when my muse goes silent. The thought of having nothing left to say…. Yet, you paint this with amazing delicate picture with your anything but fading words, so beautiful, ethereal.

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